3- part Review: Poet X

Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

Review: The Poet X - Elizabeth Acevedo - Bound to Writing
Teen fiction, Xiomara finds a way to express herself via poetry. She feels lost in expressing herself due to the societal restrictions on how a girl should act. She avoids poetry for quite a while, knowing that her mom would disapprove of anything but bible study. She manages the challenge of stifled communication.
One of the interesting chapters was about “someone who you feel is misunderstood by society”.
X choose Nicki Minaj, who is an exceptional female artist in a male driven industry.

1. Important Question(s) . . . . . . . . . .How do societal restrictions influence you?
2. Three words/phrases . . . . . . . . . . . Suave, coming of age, leaves a lingering taste of emotional vulnerability.
3. What I learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Importance of different point of views. Appreciation of writing.


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